The newly published book is an extraordinary, multi-layered view of the nature of the holiday paradise Istria, which is provided by the Croatian artist Snježana Vidović. The ambassador of an empathic understanding of nature embarks on a journey of images and soul through a fertile and barren country.
As reproductions, 20 partly large-format oil paintings form the illustrative basis of the book. They are presented in full view and dissected, in 60 anatomical sections.
The pictures are “commented” by texts by the Croatian writer Mate Balota. His childhood memories are woven into the picture collection as quotes. They reflect the harsh reality of life in Istria at the beginning of the 20th century.
The book was written in German, Croatian and Italian. This is not only a tribute to the linguistic diversity of Istria, but also underlines the multicultural background of the region.
„Meine Reise durch Istrien – Moje putovanje Istom – Il mio viaggio attraverso I`Istria“ by Snježana Vidović (hardcover, 124 pages on art paper) can now be ordered from “Dobit d.o.o.” (
or in the bookstore:
ISBN: 978-953-49047-0-1